MongoDB is a cross-platform document-oriented database program. Classified as a NoSQL database program, MongoDB uses JSON-like documents with schema.
CAP supports MongoDB since version 2.3 .
MongoDB supports ACID transactions since version 4.0, so CAP only supports MongoDB above 4.0, and MongoDB needs to be deployed as a cluster, because MongoDB's ACID transaction requires a cluster to be used.
For a quick development of the MongoDB 4.0+ cluster for the development environment, you can refer to this article.
To use MongoDB storage, you need to install the following package from NuGet:
PM> Install-Package DotNetCore.CAP.MongoDB
Next, add configuration items to the ConfigureServices
method of Startup.cs
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// ...
services.AddCap(x =>
// x.UseXXX ...
MongoDB Options¶
DatabaseName | Database name | string | cap |
DatabaseConnection | Database connection string | string | mongodb://localhost:27017 |
ReceivedCollection | Database received message collection name | string | cap.received |
PublishedCollection | Database published message collection name | string | cap.published |
Publish with transaction¶
The following example shows how to leverage CAP and MongoDB for local transaction integration.
//NOTE: Before your test, your need to create database and collection at first.
// Mongo can't create databases and collections in transactions automatic,
// so you need to create them separately, simulating a record insert
// will automatically create.
// var mycollection = _client.GetDatabase("test")
// .GetCollection<BsonDocument>("test.collection");
// mycollection.InsertOne(new BsonDocument { { "test", "test" } });
using (var session = _client.StartTransaction(_capBus, autoCommit: false))
var collection = _client.GetDatabase("test")
collection.InsertOne(session, new BsonDocument { { "hello", "world" } });
_capBus.Publish("sample.rabbitmq.mongodb", DateTime.Now);