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NATS is a simple, secure and performant communications system for digital systems, services and devices. NATS is part of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF).


Since version 5.2+, CAP's relevant features have been implemented based on JetStream, so it needs to be explicitly enabled on the server.

You need to enable JetStream by specifying the --jetstream parameter when starting the NATS Server in order to use CAP properly.


To use NATS transporter, you need to install the following package from NuGet:

PM> Install-Package DotNetCore.CAP.NATS

Then you can add configuration items to the ConfigureServices method of Startup.cs.

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddCap(capOptions =>
            //NATS Options

NATS Options

NATS configuration parameters provided directly by the CAP:

Options NATS client configuration Options Options
Servers Server url/urls used to connect to the NATs server. string NULL
ConnectionPoolSize number of connections pool uint 10
DeliverPolicy The point in the stream to receive messages from (⚠️ Removed from version 8.1.0, use ConsumerOptions instead.) enum DeliverPolicy.New
StreamOptions 🆕 Stream configuration Action NULL
ConsumerOptions 🆕 Consumer configuration Action NULL
CustomHeadersBuilder Custom subscribe headers See the blow NULL

NATS ConfigurationOptions

If you need more native NATS related configuration options, you can set them in the Options option:

services.AddCap(capOptions => 
        // NATS options.

Options is a NATS.Client ConfigurationOptions , you can find more details through this link

CustomHeadersBuilder Option

When the message sent from a heterogeneous system, because of the CAP needs to define additional headers, so an exception will occur at this time. By providing this parameter to set the custom headersn to make the subscriber works.

You can find the description of Header Information here.


x.UseNATS(aa =>
    aa.CustomHeadersBuilder = (e, sp) =>
        new(DotNetCore.CAP.Messages.Headers.MessageId, sp.GetRequiredService<ISnowflakeId>().NextId().ToString()),
        new(DotNetCore.CAP.Messages.Headers.MessageName, e.Message.Subject)