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Azure Service Bus

Microsoft Azure Service Bus is a fully managed enterprise integration message broker. Service Bus is most commonly used to decouple applications and services from each other, and is a reliable and secure platform for asynchronous data and state transfer.

Azure services can be used in CAP as a message transporter.



For the Service Bus pricing layer, CAP requires "standard" or "advanced" to support Topic functionality.

To use Azure Service Bus as a message transport, you need to install the following package from NuGet:

PM> Install-Package DotNetCore.CAP.AzureServiceBus

Next, add configuration items to the ConfigureServices method of Startup.cs:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    // ...

    services.AddCap(x =>
        // x.UseXXX ...

AzureServiceBus Options

The AzureServiceBus configuration options provided directly by the CAP:

ConnectionString Endpoint address string
TopicPath Topic entity path string cap
EnableSessions Enable Service bus sessions bool false
MaxConcurrentSessions The maximum number of concurrent sessions that the processor can handle. Not applicable when EnableSessions is false. int 8
SessionIdleTimeout The maximum time to wait for a new message before the session is closed. If not specified, 60 seconds will be used by Azure Service Bus. TimeSpan null
SubscriptionAutoDeleteOnIdle Automatically delete subscription after a certain idle interval. TimeSpan TimeSpan.MaxValue
SubscriptionMessageLockDuration The amount of time the message is locked by a given receiver so that no other receiver receives the same message. TimeSpan 60 seconds
SubscriptionDefaultMessageTimeToLive The default message time to live value for a subscription. This is the duration after which the message expires. TimeSpan TimeSpan.MaxValue
SubscriptionMaxDeliveryCount The maximum number of times a message is delivered to the subscription before it is dead-lettered. int 10
MaxAutoLockRenewalDuration The maximum duration within which the lock will be renewed automatically. This value should be greater than the longest message lock duration. TimeSpan 5 minutes
ManagementTokenProvider Token provider ITokenProvider null
AutoCompleteMessages Gets a value that indicates whether the processor should automatically complete messages after the message handler has completed processing bool true
CustomHeadersBuilder Adds custom and/or mandatory Headers for incoming messages from heterogeneous systems. Func<Message, IServiceProvider, List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>>? null
Namespace Namespace of Servicebus , Needs to be set when using with TokenCredential Property string null
DefaultCorrelationHeaders Adds additional correlation properties to all correlation filters. IDictionary Dictionary.Empty
SQLFilters Custom SQL Filters by name and expression on Topic Subscribtion List> null


When sessions are enabled (see EnableSessions option above), every message sent will have a session id. To control the session id, include an extra header with name AzureServiceBusHeaders.SessionId when publishing events:

ICapPublisher capBus = ...;
string yourEventName = ...;
YourEventType yourEvent = ...;

Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = new Dictionary<string, string>();
extraHeaders.Add(AzureServiceBusHeaders.SessionId, <your-session-id>);

capBus.Publish(yourEventName, yourEvent, extraHeaders);

If no session id header is present, the message id will be used as the session id.

Heterogeneous Systems

Sometimes you might want to listen to a message that was published by an external system. In this case, you need to add a set of two mandatory headers for CAP compatibility as shown below.

c.UseAzureServiceBus(asb =>
    asb.ConnectionString = ...
    asb.CustomHeadersBuilder = (msg, sp) =>
        new(DotNetCore.CAP.Messages.Headers.MessageId, sp.GetRequiredService<ISnowflakeId>().NextId().ToString()),
        new(DotNetCore.CAP.Messages.Headers.MessageName, msg.RoutingKey)

SQL Filters

You can set SQL filters on subscribtion level to get desired messages and not to have custom logic on business side. More about Azure Service Bus SQL FILTERS - Link

SQLFilters is List Of KeyValuePair , Key is filter name and Value SQL Expression.

c.UseAzureServiceBus(asb =>
    asb.ConnectionString = ...
    asb.SQLFilters = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> {

            new KeyValuePair<string,string>("IOTFilter","FromIOTHub='true'"),//The message will be handled if ApplicationProperties contains IOTFilter and value is true
            new KeyValuePair<string,string>("SequenceFilter","sys.enqueuedSequenceNumber >= 300")